Tuesday, July 14, 2015


So this week has been full of lots of different emotions, for starters, as you know I didnt have transfers but another sister in my zone did... and now? SISTER HOBBS IS IN MY ZONE! Woohoo! Good old memories from the MTC over a year ago!

Also, this week we had a baptism! A woman named Jana got married to Yovani this week.. and this Saturday she got baptized! (He was already a member, but now is reactivated) We got to go to her wedding, so that was cool. It was just at the city building and they just signed papers... but it was really special because she has wanted to get baptized for over 10 years!!! She told me that God just wanted her to learn patience until I got there to help them out. Haha, so that was really special :)

This week... hmmm.... nothing new is gonna happen but its the last week of June (when did that happen?????) Time goes by way way way way fast.

OH YEAH. I almost forgot... so story for the week, there we were walking in the street when all of the sudden a drunk man walks out of a bar (like a little old drunk man) so we crossed the street and started walking on the other side. When he saw me he started to yell HEY YOU.... COME HERE GUAPAS and so we started to walk a little faster. When we walked faster so did he.... and when I looked back HE STARTED TO RUN!!! haha I just about crapped my pants. So we both start to run for like two whole blocks until we hurry and ran into a little minni market store thing and the man at the store pretended that we werent there until the grandpa went away... hahaha it was scary when it happened but so so so FUNNY after, we about died laughing. And then we talked to the man at the store about the church. Haha... so that was cool!

Anything else?

haha Um... we need to find more investigators because we've had to leave quite a few because they dont wanna come to church. But I know if we keep working hard God will help us out :)

I love being a missionary! Ya mismo voy a tener 13 meses en la misiĆ³n! 

Love, Sister Miller

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