- Swimsuit shopping
- Dress shopping
- Just plain shopping- Lets be honest...It's not that fun.
- Commericals on the radio
- Medicine- especially the grape kind
- Doctors-.......Never.
- School- Obvious
- AP Human Geography
- Health Class- No explanation needed.
- Gym Class
- Humidity- Big hair, not a fan.
- Feet- Yuck.
- Bikinnis- Also yuck.
- Getting sand in the Swimsuit-..........O.o
- Cats
- Secondhand Smoke
- Sunburns- This happens way too much
- Misquitos
- Alarm Clocks- Thank Seminary for this one
- Getting my picture taken
- Licorice- It tastes like chapstick
- Logarithms
- Quadratic formula- Easy but it takes too long.
- Stress
- Yelling
- Headaches
- Peas- Not now not ever, will I like those nasty things
- DRAMA- Girls can be weird
- Public Restrooms
- Hair cuts
- The "F" word- Fishsticks? Farts? Freckles? Haha...Just kidding.. You know what I meant.
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