I am one of the dorkiest (Is that a word?) people you will ever meet. Here's why.....
- I enjoy reading, haha like... a lot. I am currently reading a book about mummies. :)
- I love anything/everything Marvel. For Christmas I want all of the Marvel hero movies that lead up to The Avengers (Which by the way is now in my top 10 favorite movies of all time)
- This summer, me and my mom worked out together, and I actually liked it. Woohoo! Go moms! Haha
- I am a Disney movie junky. Hardcore.
- I have a blog.. that's at least 35 nerd points
- I like lists :) Don't believe me? Look at what I'm doing right now O.o
- For fun, me and my boyfriend Cameron quote Disney movies.
- I like old things :) I don't know why.. I just find them interesting.
- When I was younger I collected rocks (Nerdy part is.. I still have them)
- I LOVE T-shirts. Haha I dress for comfort and occasionally dress it up a little bit (Which drives my sister Jess, the beautician, a bit bonkers every now and then i'm sure)
I could keep going...but I am tired and have Seminary in the morning. So adios amigos!
P.s. Remember this guy???
He's gotten so big! I love ya Duke but you sure are a pain sometimes. Good thing he's cute!