Well hello, Guess who has the best parents ever? Me, that's right. A couple weeks go my mom came up with the cool idea to have an outdoor movie night! And in order for us kids to get in we had to do chores around the house to earn movie tickets and candy tickets cleverly called "Mom-Bucks". It's a good way to get the little kids like Garret and Panda (Savannah) to do their chores without complaining. Plus, it rewards all of us, even the older kids, with a fun night with the family.
Mini concession stand FULL of candy and drinks
Panda checking out the seats/beds
Eeek! I look scary but oh well haha..... Yay for PJ's/No make-up!
Price tags
So. Much. Sugar.
My cute sister Jess :)
Crazy Ria and Panda
Projector and Speakers my Dad set up :)
"Mom-Bucks" aka tickets!
The Millers are so cool ;)
The kids enjoying the movie!
The Incredibles! haha, You could see a lot better this pic is just a little crap cause the flash
We are so hot.
It was such a fun night! And we've done more than one too. Last Saturday we had one and my boyfriend Cameron came over, it was really funny because my mom made him vacuum our basement and make his bed for tickets, Haha, but he was a good sport. Seeya next time!